Wind Damage Roof Repair in Dayton

Wind Damage Shingle Repair Near Me

Do you need a “wind damage expert near me” or a “emergency wind damage roofer near me” in Greater Cincinnati? If so, you’re in the right place!

Van Martin Roofing is always ready to come out to your home and help with emergency storm damage to residential and commercial roofing.

Wind damage presents a significant threat to the integrity of your roof. In fact, wind damage can lead to displaced or damaged shingles. These wind-damaged shingles expose the underlying structure to harsh environmental conditions. Ohio’s weather can be brutal! This can potentially lead to leaks, water damage, and even structural instability over time. Because of this, it is vital to promptly address wind damage to your roof to prevent escalated costs and extensive repair work.

Local roofing companies like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton specialize in identifying and repairing wind damage, acting swiftly to protect your home from the elements. Prompt attention to wind-damaged roofs secures the longevity of your roof and the safety of your home, illustrating the importance of professional roofing services in maintaining the integrity of your dwelling. Trust us, we’ve been in this business for more than 20 years and we’ve seen it all!

Van Martin Roofing proudly serves Dayton, Moraine, Oakwood, Trotwood, Vandalia, Kettering, Riverside, Beavercreek, Centerville, Xenia, Huber Heights, Fairborn, West Carrolton and surrounding areas.

As part of the Greater Dayton, Ohio community, your friends at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton deeply cherish the vibrant local culture and attractions. We love this community and believe in giving back! The enlightening Boonshoft Museum of Discovery inspires us with its commitment to lifelong learning, while the Scene 75 Entertainment Center illustrates the joyous spirit of the community. Moreover, the serene Carriage Hill MetroPark shows us the beauty of nature in our own backyard, fostering a sense of peace and belonging. These facets of Dayton enrich our lives and motivate us to give back to this wonderful community we’re proud to be part of.

For fast and affordable “shingle repair near me” or “wind damage repair near me,” call us today!

Signs of Wind Damage to Roof

Sometimes the signs of wind damage are obvious. Other times, it isn’t so clear.

Wind damage to roofs can happen in a variety of ways. Some common signs include missing or damaged shingles, often with curled, cracked, or torn edges. You may also notice granule loss on shingles, or even shingles appearing in your yard. Leaks or penetrations in your home or attic are another sure sign. These often reveal themselves through water stains or damp spots. Other signs include chimney problems, such as cracks or missing pieces, and metal pieces or other roof components displaced. If you notice these signs, a professional assessment from our experts at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton is strongly advised. We are a proud part of the Miami Valley Ohio area community. Call us today for a free storm damage inspection!

Damaged or Missing Shingles

Missing shingles on Dayton home

Are you dealing with damaged or missing shingles? When damage strikes your roof in the form of missing or wind-damaged shingles, the implications can be far-reaching and very expensive in the long run. Initially, the aesthetic value of your home is compromised. More critically though, these damaged or missing shingles leave your roof and, consequently, your home a lot more vulnerable. They can expose the underlayment and roofing deck to the elements, leading to leaks and water damage. Over time, this can cause structural issues, rot, and potential mold growth. Because of this, prompt attention to these issues is essential. A reputable company like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton can help you assess the damage and perform the necessary repairs or replacements.

Dented or Cracked Shingles

Cracked shingle in Dayton Ohio

Dented or cracked shingles are common roofing issues that can lead to significant problems if left unattended. Often caused by adverse weather conditions or falling debris, dents in shingles can compromise the integrity of your roof, leading to leaks and internal damage that can be extremely expensive. Cracked shingles, on the other hand, could be a sign of aging or poor installation and may result in similar issues. Entrusting the repair of dented or cracked shingles to experienced professionals, like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, is advisable to ensure the longevity and durability of your roof. Timely maintenance can prevent minor issues from escalating into major, costly repairs. If you have cracked or dented shingles or any other issues, we encourage you to call us right away!

Leaking Roof

Leaking roof in Dayton Ohio

Storm damage often results in critical roof leaks that can severely compromise the structural integrity of a building. Heavy rain, hail, or wind can displace shingles, creating openings for water infiltration. These leaks may not be immediately visible but can gradually cause significant internal damage. Moisture seeping into the structure can lead to mold growth, insulation degradation, and rotting of the internal framework. Long-term exposure to such leaks can result in expensive repairs. To prevent these issues, it’s recommended to seek professional help from trusted roof repair services like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton. With 20 years in this business, we’ve seen it all and fixed things other storm roofers weren’t able to fix. We are known for our expertise in handling roof leak repairs.

Debris on Roof

Roof debris removal in Dayton Ohio

Storms can leave a trail of debris on your roof, which can pose a wide range ofrisks. Twigs, leaves, and other detritus can accumulate, impeding water flow off the roof, leading to leaks or water damage. Over time, this debris on the roof can cause the deterioration of roofing materials, shortening the life of your roof. Additionally, accumulated debris might become a breeding ground for mold, algae, and other harmful organisms that can further damage the roof or even infiltrate your home. In the worst-case scenario, large debris such as fallen tree limbs can cause immediate, visible damage. It’s here that professional services like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton become invaluable, offering expert roof debris removal to mitigate these problems. If you have debris on your roof, whether it’s a residential roof or a commercial roof, we encourage you to call us right away!

Loose or Hanging Gutters

Hanging gutter in Dayton Ohio

Dealing with loose or hanging gutters is a big deal for homeowners. Fortunately, we handle these with ease.

Loose or hanging gutters are a common part of the aftermath of severe storms, often caused by high winds, heavy rain, or hail. Gutters that were once firmly attached to the house often begin sagging or pulling away. When this happens, you need the help of a professional gutter expert!

This detachment not only disrupts the aesthetics of your home but also impedes the gutter system’s functionality, leading to potential water damage. It’s crucial that we reattach loose gutters promptly to preserve the integrity of your home and its foundation. Otherwise, it will cost more in the long run and we are here to save you money not cost you too much. If you’re experiencing gutter problems, Van Martin Roofing of Dayton has your back! We can offer expert assistance in repairing and re-securing your damaged gutters. We offer emergency gutter services throughout Greater Dayton and Greater Cincinnati.

Wind Damaged Roof in Dayton Ohio

The Urgency of Repairing Wind Damage to Roof

Delaying roof repairs, especially after wind damage, can cause serious long-term consequences. At Van Martin Roofing, we urge you not to make storm damage repairs on your own or delay the process.

Wind damage, even minor, exposes the roof to the elements, accelerating wear, and increasing the risk of further damage from subsequent weather events. Ohio’s weather can be brutal for your roof. Over time, this can escalate into significant structural problems. Water intrusion, a common problem, can cause wood rot and mold growth, compromising the integrity of your home and posing health risks. Additionally, unaddressed wind damage can lead to loss of insulation, which results in higher energy bills due to increased heating and air conditioning needs quicly.

At Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, we understand the risks associated with neglecting wind damage repairs and strive to provide prompt, professional service to safeguard your home from severe damage and additional financial burdens. We understand how addressing roof repairs promptly after wind damage is crucial to maintain the longevity of your roof and the safety of your home.

We encourage you to call us today!

Wind Damage Services for Your Roof

Shingle Repair

Shingle repair in Dayton Ohio

We at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton specialize in comprehensive shingle repair services. Our team of seasoned professionals identifies and tackles roofing issues quickly, ensuring the longevity and durability of your roof. From minor fixes to major repairs, our expertise extends across all shingle types, reflecting an unwavering commitment to quality. Whether it’s weather damage or general wear and tear, we carefully assess each situation and implement the most efficient solutions. Trust Van Martin Roofing of Dayton to deliver exceptional shingle repair services, reinforcing the safety and aesthetic value of your home.

Roof Leaks

Roof leak from ceiling in Dayton Ohio

Ohio’s storms causing you to spring a leak in your roof?

At Van Martin Roofing, we specialize in top-tier roof leak repair services throughout the Miami Valley. Our team of expert roofing contractors is dedicated to promptly identifying and repairing any leaks to prevent further damage to your home. We are equipped with the best tools and equipment, and we have extensive experience. In short, we ensure a seamless and long-lasting solution to your roofing issues. We understand that a roof leak can lead to severe structural damage if not addressed quickly. Because of this, our services are designed to provide fast and efficient repairs with minimal disruption. With this being the case, we encourage you to trust Van Martin Roofing of Dayton for enduring roof leaks repair services.

Roof Debris Removal

Roof debris removal in Dayton Ohio

At Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, we offer comprehensive roof debris removal services to keep your roof in optimal condition. Whether you’re dealing with accumulated leaves, debris after a storm, or remnants from a roofing project, our expert team is equipped to handle it all. We implement meticulous cleaning techniques that preserve the integrity of your roof and prevent potential damage. Our services go beyond simple cleaning — we also conduct an inspection to detect any underlying issues. Because of this, we encourage you to trust Van Martin Roofing of Dayton for a clean, debris-free roof that enhances the longevity of your property. For “roof debris removal services near me” in Greater Dayton, call us today!

Gutter Repair

Gutter repair Dayton Ohio

Gutter damage is nothing to be taken lightly. You need your gutters functioning properly to protect your home. At Van Martin Roofing of Dayton we offer exceptional gutter repair services to safeguard your home against potential water damage. Our skilled team performs thorough inspections, identifying and addressing issues promptly. We handle everything from minor leaks to significant damage, ensuring that your gutters are functioning effectively. We use high-quality materials for durable repairs, providing peace of mind and longevity. Because of all this and more, we encourage you to trust Van Martin Roofing of Dayton to protect your home with superior gutter repair services. For “gutter repair near me” call us right away!

Roof inspection for wind damage in Dayton Ohio
Roof inspection with drone in Dayton Ohio
Step by Step Roof Repair Process

The process of roof repair is a meticulous one and involves several essential steps. When it comes to professional service, nobody performs these steps more efficiently and professionally than Van Martin Roofing of Dayton. In the following, our local storm damage roofers break everything down step by step:

Inspection: The process begins with a thorough inspection of the roof by the professionals at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton. We identify the damage and determine the extent of the necessary repairs.

Protection: The next step is to secure the surrounding areas of the home. This includes covering the landscaping and windows to protect them from falling debris. We help with this as well.

Removal: The damaged or old roofing material is then carefully removed. This is an essential step as it ensures the new material adheres properly to the roof structure.

Repair: The Van Martin Roofing team then repairs any damage to the underlying structure of the roof. This can include replacing rotting wood or repairing broken trusses. We perform repairs in the most efficient manner.

Replacement: After the necessary repairs to the structure, the new roofing material is installed. This involves placing the material on the roof, securing it, and sealing any seams to prevent water infiltration.

Cleanup: Post-installation, the team ensures the work site is cleaned thoroughly. All debris is removed, and the surrounding area is restored to its original condition.

Final Inspection: Lastly, a final inspection is conducted by our team at Van Martin Roofing. This inspection ensures that all work has been completed to the highest standards of quality and safety.

Each of these steps is carried out diligently and with the utmost attention to detail by your friends here at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, ensuring that your roof is not just repaired, but restored to its optimal state. Because of this, we encourage you to trust Van Martin for a smooth, hassle-free roof repair process.

Frequently Asked Questions about Wind Roof Repair

When assessing wind damage to your roof, it’s important to consider the extent and severity of the damage. No one understands this better than us. Minor issues, like a few missing or damaged shingles, can often be repaired without the need for a full roof replacement. However, if a significant area of your roof is affected, or if the underlying structure has been compromised, a roof replacement may be necessary. If that’s the case, Van Martin Roofing of Dayton is a trusted authority in evaluating wind damage and can provide expert advice on whether repair or replacement would be the best solution for your home. Always remember, ensuring the safety and structural integrity of your home should be the top priority.

Usually, homeowners insurance does provide coverage for wind damage to the roof. This coverage can encompass problems from a variety of wind-related events, such as hurricanes, hailstorms, windstorms, tornadoes, and thunderstorms. However, it’s important to review your specific policy as coverage can differ based on your location and the individual terms of your insurance agreement. If you’re dealing with wind damage in Dayton, experts like your friends at Van Martin Roofing can help. We can assist you in assessing the damage and making necessary repairs, reducing the stress of the situation and ensuring your roof is restored to its optimal condition.

Wind damage on a roof can manifest in various forms. But we’ve seen it all. For one, shingles may be missing or torn off completely. This can indicate that the roof has experienced high-speed winds. You might also notice curling or peeling at the edges of shingles, a sign of wind getting underneath them. In some cases, debris or tree branches propelled by the wind can cause visible dents or punctures. Tiles can be loosened or completely displaced, especially in the case of clay or slate roofs. Always remember, if you notice any signs of wind damage on your roof, professionals like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton is equipped to provide efficient and effective solutions.

Filing an insurance claim for roof wind damage can be a daunting process. Nevertheless, by following these steps, you can simplify the task.

  • Assess the Damage: Start by identifying and documenting the extent of the wind damage on your roof. Take photographs and write down details which can serve as evidence when filing the claim.
  • Contact your Insurance Company: Reach out to your insurance company as soon as possible. Provide them with all the necessary details and your evidence of damage.
  • Initial Insurance Review: Your insurance company will conduct a preliminary review of your claim and may appoint an adjuster to validate the damage.
  • Professional Inspection: It can be beneficial to involve a professional roofing company, like Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, for a thorough inspection. They can provide a detailed report and estimates for repair, which can be helpful when dealing with insurance adjusters.
  • Submit Claim: Submit your claim with all the gathered evidence, including the professional report from our team at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton. We are here to help you get what you’re entitled to!
  • Follow Up: Keep track of the claim status and follow up with your insurance company regularly.

Remember, the team here at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton is experienced in dealing with wind damage and can be a valuable resource in navigating the insurance claim process. We are here to help with all your storm damage insurance claim processing!. Call us today!

Identifying wind damage on your roof can be challenging without the proper understanding and knowledge. Typically, the signs of wind damage may include missing shingles, which will expose the underlayment or the roof deck. You might also notice curled or creased shingles; these are often caused by strong winds getting underneath them. Additionally, loose or exposed nails, granule loss, and damaged flashing around your roof’s vents and chimney are also indicative of wind damage. If you suspect your roof has suffered wind damage, we recommend contacting a professional roofing company, such as Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, to conduct a thorough examination and perform necessary repairs.

Wind Damage Roof Repair Cost Estimates

When it comes to wind damage roof repairs, costs can vary based on the extent of the damage, the materials used, and the size of your roof. At Van Martin Roofing of Dayton, we offer comprehensive solutions to meet your unique needs. Although it is difficult to provide a specific price range without evaluating the damage firsthand, minor repairs can often range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars. Significant damage requiring extensive repairs or entire roof replacement can be considerably more. Nonetheless, we are committed to providing quality service at competitive rates. Our experienced team can help you assess the damage and provide a detailed estimate tailored to your situation. We highly encourage you to contact Van Martin Roofing of Dayton for a personalized quote. Let us help you restore the integrity of your roof and the safety of your home.

For a free estimate on your roof repair needs or storm damage repair needs, call us today!

Emergency Roof Repair Servcies

With unpredictable weather and sudden mishaps, an emergency roof leak can strike at any time. Knowing this, your friends at Van Martin Roofing of Dayton stand ready to provide immediate, professional assistance right at your doorstep. One call is all it takes! We have all your emergency roofer needs covered under one roof!

Our team is fully equipped to handle emergency roof repair, ensuring that your home remains safe and dry, regardless of the circumstances. We take pride in our responsive and dependable service. We aim to alleviate your stress in times of urgent roofing needs, providing peace of mind! Stay prepared for any weather event by keeping our contact information handy.

One simple call to Van Martin can make the difference between minor damage and a major disaster. Call us at our emergency service hotline available 24/7 for immediate response and unmatched support. Remember, when you’re in a pinch and typing “emergency roof repair near me” into a search engine, Van Martin Roofing of Dayton is your reliable, local solution.

Van Martin is the Dayton, Ohio Roof Repair Expert

When you choose Van Martin, you are choosing a roofing company that is centered around people. We work directly with our customers to provide roofing solutions that fit your specific needs. As for our services, we provide outstanding repairs and replacements of roofs, gutters, siding, and skylights.

Van Martin has been in business for over a decade, gaining trust from community members all across the map in Mason and the surrounding areas with residential, commercial, and industrial services. Contact Van Martin’s team the next time you need assistance with your roofing and related systems in Dayton, Ohio. 

Van Martin Roofing Customer Reviews in Dayton, OH

Our experience was fantastic! From the phone call to contact VanMartin, the sales consultant (Scott), and a very professional, efficient, and experienced crew ! I was so impressed that Scott flew a drone over my house to find a skylight that had been installed in 2016, why it had leaked! Come to find out the company that put it in used our OLD Flashing😡Scott made sure Vellux still had the flashing that matched our skylight. To our luck, they did! The crew was so careful, and very, very little clean up🌹I rate Van Martin 10 stars! It was through some long research that I found Van Martin roofing, they had a 5 star rating. I thank them for getting to us at a very timely manner🌹 I hope this helps others make their decision easier 🌹
Lisa Homer
13:03 24 Jul 24
Van Martin was super professional and excellent to work with! Their communication was great and their work was amazing when replacing our skylight!
Sarah Tracey
15:44 19 Jul 24
Excellent job done! Timely, professional, and courteous. Our roof looks lovely!
Joan Jernigan Travers
15:36 16 Jul 24
Staff was very nice and kept us updated on any and all changes! They were very neat and picked up all the debris. The property was left looking wonderful! Would definitely recommend!
Jennifer Estes
22:21 15 Jul 24
Van Martin Roofing exceeded our expectations on the process from start to finish on our home. From the consult at the beginning stages of dealing with storm damage and insurance,to having communication through every process. The project manager and staff were friendly and kept us in the loop of everything going on. I would highly recommend Van Martin to anyone looking to replace roof & siding on their home. Kyle was very friendly and answered questions with ease and Jared really helped us understand the process. Thank you Van Martin and crew we loved our home before but really love it now
Tasha Ann
04:33 10 Jul 24
Recently Van Martin Roofing replaced the roof on our house, doing an excellent job and providing great service. In the beginning, we asked several roofing companies to look at our quite old roof and give us their comments and quotes. Very surprisingly to me, two of them only did drive-by inspections or took measurements only by satellite photos. One company used a drone flying close over our roof, which I felt was a bit better effort than the first two. Two companies sent someone who actually climbed up on the roof and inspected it, but only Jim Honious of Van Martin Roofing noticed that there had been some wind damage to our roof. The other companies sent quotes quickly and made a follow-up phone call. By great contrast, Jim Honious stayed in touch and patiently cooperated with our household insurance company's roof inspector. That inspector confirmed the wind damage that only Jim Honious had noticed, and as a result our cost to replace our roof was substantially reduced by the insurance company's payment. The actual roof replacement work was done super professionally. I was amazed at the very hardworking crew, led by Carlos who was very nice to deal with. We were worried in advance of the job that roofing nails and other roof trash would be left behind, but Carlos's crew cleaned up all trash. No doubt, their clean-up task was made easier because I noticed that they were very careful when carrying trash on the roof over to deposit into the dumpster, and they put tarps on the ground to catch small scraps. I highly recommend Van Martin Roofing to everyone. For sure, whenever I need a roof again, I'll call only Van Martin Roofing.
Damon Curry
19:26 09 Jul 24
Van Martin is a company of people that can be trusted. They are a company of integrity, and it shows in the work they do. Very professional. Very personable. My roof looks great. I have a lot more to do, and will count on Van Martin to get the job done correctly - the first time.
Katherine H.
12:02 09 Jul 24
We hired Van Martin to replace a porch roof and do some custom trim/flashing and I couldn't be more pleased.They got us into their schedule quickly, the crew showed up early and got right to work. All the guys were polite, had a great attitude, and worked hard. They didn't mind me asking questions and were very enthusiastic about doing a good job. Several times I said - "that's fine, that's good enough" - but Jeremy wouldn't have it; Robert didn't say much but I could tell he really took pride in his work; Geraldo kept moving and never slacked off; and Stanley supported everyone so that the whole crew could be productive.Lastly, James, who sold us the job, came back to check on how things went and made sure the work met his standard - which is very high.At the end of the day, I felt like they treated the job like it was their own home - or more likely their Mom's! Good job and thank you!Overall, couldn't be more pleased - will use them again if I ever need more work.
Mike Ziethlow
17:05 08 Jul 24
Work team was efficient with their time on the job. Did not leave debris after completion of project. After next heavy rain will see if spouting does its job. Hope so.
Judy Holt
14:09 03 Jul 24
Van Martin did an outstanding job on my Dads roof. I would recommend them to anyone who needs some fixes on your roof or a new roof. Thanks, Steve
21:22 28 Jun 24
Van Martin does amazing work. Their customer service great, their consultants explain everything, and the work is 5-star. They also do a lot to give back to the community. I highly recommend Van Martin Roofing.
Chris Hunter
20:07 28 Jun 24
Very Happy with our new RoofA Great Experience would Highly recommend.
Leslie Keltner
16:00 24 Jun 24
I just had a roof replaced. I am very pleased with the service I received from them. The roof looks great. The workers were very professional and organized. Hunter the field manager kept me up to date on the process. I would recommend them for any roofing needs.
sharlene lachey
00:50 24 Jun 24
Van Marten sales person was great. Helped explain all my options. The roofers were so nice, prompt & communicative. Would definitely recommend.
Jennifer Roumani
16:21 14 Jun 24
I had a roof put on by Van Martin roofing, Commercial everyone was especially helpful. They did a great job and I would sure recommend them to anyone.
Sally Newlon
14:51 14 Jun 24
We had Van Martin come to look at our house due to a leak in the ceiling of a new home we had just purchased. I believe it was Taylor that came out for us. He was SO beyond helpful. Was completely honest about the damage and anticipated repairs, and the best route to take, and in being honest he saved us what could have been at leas a few hundred dollars. He quickly did a small fix himself, and let us know what to look for to make sure that fix worked. It won't be the solve for the long run but will last quite a few months until we can get it properly updated. He could have not let us know this and charged more but that's clearly not the type of person he is or company this is. Honesty and integrity can be lacking these days so I was very, very impressed and would absolutely use their services again.
Heather Rees
18:41 07 Jun 24
Van Martin did a great job. They helped get me a new roof that was damaged due to storms we had in the area. Installation was completed in a timely manner and the workers that did a great job and were very respectful. Thank you Van Martin. Also I would like to say thank you to Scott. Their representative that worked with me on getting me my new roof.
Nick G
19:18 04 Jun 24
Van Martin roofing went through the process of getting my roof replaced with the nightmare of dealing with the insurance company. Scott put many hours in and even took time after dinner with his wife to take pictures of an area of my roof that the insurance adjuster had issues with that he had explained many times to him was not a problem. Carlos and his crew took only 13 hrs in one day to complete my roof that has a very steep pitch and two dormers that are also very steep. If you have to have a roof replaced I would definitely recommend them.
Champ Marly
19:48 03 Jun 24
Van Martin Roofing did an awesome job replacing my barn roof. The guys were very capable and they did a great job with cleanup. They made sure there were no screws left on the ground. All the old metal roofing was hauled away. I would highly recommend them.
Deborah Piepmeyer
19:45 28 May 24
Zach came out and sold me on the roof initially and his low pressure sales and easy communication were top tier! Carlos and his team are the ones who installed my roof and they were amazing! Carlos and Zach were both there for questions when ever I needed them. If you need a roof installed this is easily the only company to recommend.
14:18 28 May 24
Van Martin once again resolved a problem, another company created.I highly recommend Van Martin for any and all roofing and gutter needs.
Keith Marcum
23:45 23 May 24
Competitive estimate, staff & installers professional, courteous, knowledgeable. Project completed on time and completely cleaned up on leaving.Will definitely include them in next project quote requests.
Cliff Koss
16:42 22 May 24
Jim H was Extremely Knowledgeable and an Excellent Advocate in helping me navigate the Insurance Company's Rules and Requirements. All of the Staff and On-Site Workers were easy and friendly to work with. Exceeded my expectations. They Truly Work for You. Thank You All at Van Martin !
Don White
20:27 21 May 24
All did a great job
Betty Chaney
17:03 14 May 24
Fast Friendly Service!
Troy Morris
14:23 10 May 24
Professional service. Knowledgeable workers. Cleanup excellent. I would certainly use them again.
Frederick Wright
18:20 09 May 24
I cannot express enough how impressed I am with Jim from Van Martin Roofing. From the moment he stepped onto our property, his professionalism and expertise were evident.James conducted a thorough inspection of our roof and attic, and his insights were invaluable. He provided genuine opinions. I would certainly choose Jim and Van Martin Roofing for any future roof inspections or installations. He has earned my highest recommendation. Thank you, Jim, for your outstanding work!
richard lu
14:24 04 May 24
Excellent service. Very professional and thorough. Responded promptly and completely resolved the issue
Elizabeth Converse
21:19 24 Apr 24
Highly recommend VM roofing for your next roof replacement. Very smooth process. Work was scheduled quickly. They showed up early, worked efficiently, professionally and demonstrated pride in the outcome. Exceeded my expectations. They meticulously cleaned everything up before they left. Couldn't have been more satisfied.Thanks,Charles Wilson
C Wilson
14:16 17 Apr 24
Recently I contracted Van Martin for a second job on my home; this time it was gutter's, downspouts, and sofits. We are very happy with the work that was done and the amount of professionalism provided. I recommend them highly and will use them again if needed for a new project.
Kristen McNabb
22:14 04 Apr 24
I received several estimates from roofing companies for roof repairs, and Zach from Van Martin was the most helpful by a wide margin. He spent the most time with me, offering a ton of insight on what we needed -- and, just as important, didn't need!
John Clark
18:16 01 Apr 24
All of the staff at Van Martin were very professional. They did a fantastic job on the roof and skylights and cleaned up everything like they had never been there. We are extremely happy with the job
Barbara Schiller
18:59 28 Mar 24
Excellent work and service.Everything as advertised
Ron Reddington
12:47 26 Mar 24
I’ve had three or four different roofing companies come out and try to fix a very difficult situation on my chimney and roof area. Even the original chimney repair person did a good job on the chimney but couldn’t stop the leak. Finally, Van Martin came out the second time after the first set of guys couldn’t get it done the next group of more experienced guys and finally it quit leaking after four years of constant leaking and worrying about roof and ceiling damage !I recommend VM
Steve Williams
12:21 26 Mar 24
We are very satisfied with the job, we will recommend Van Martin Roofing without hesitation to anyone needing a roof. They are very professional, starting with the sales rep. And everyone from start to finish. Thank you Van Martin Roofing.
Dave Sutter
16:27 22 Mar 24
Van Martin is a great company! They always come through for me whenever I need them.
John Baden
15:23 22 Mar 24
They started early and finished in one day! The roof is beautiful! Very nice group of people. All worked, no slackers. They took great care not to damage any plants all around the house. You couldn’t tell they were here once they were all done-cleaned up all debris. Great Job!
Donna MacSwords
12:38 20 Mar 24
I have to say VanMartin roofers was professional, curious and efficient. The truckers also was professional overall I rate this company 👌
Anthony Curry
12:42 13 Mar 24
VanMartin Roofing is certainly Customer focused from the first meeting to completion of the project. Everyone we encountered was very professional and courteous. We enjoyed doing business with them. Our roof looks amazing and have already received great compliments from our neighbors on how great it looks.
Deborah Plappert
23:56 26 Feb 24
It was a very long process to get insurance to cover a new roof but Jim stayed on them and did everything they asked for to show proof a new roof was needed. Hunter and his team did an excellent job of installing the new roof and keeping me updated throughout the process.
heather hoffenbacher
21:04 21 Feb 24
Came to my home to fix a roof leak around the base of my chimney and roof. Came on time, reviewed the work to be done with me, took care of the repairs in the time that I was told, and cleaned everything up. Very professional and polite employees. Price was competitive and a bit less the big roofing companies.
Keith Bowers
20:07 16 Feb 24
Work was completed and looked great.
Galapa Gos
20:32 13 Feb 24
Did a great job with the new roof! Were very honest and hardworking and walked me through all the work they had done!
Henrik Pohlmann
23:52 06 Feb 24